We strive for excellence in everything we do. We aim to guide all children to develop as independent, confident learners with high aspirations. As a result, our goal is that children make good progress against the school’s progression grids/Inserts tracking, supported by highly reflective practitioners with good subject knowledge and high expectations.
Children are listened to and their opinions valued, leading to a safe and secure environment in which to learn. Children suggest the termly themes which teachers link to high quality texts and supportive experiences to drive the learning, whilst also covering the requirements of the National Curriculum, The West Sussex Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education, and Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education. This ensures that the curriculum remains relevant, engaging and challenging.
As a result, our curriculum is responsive to children’s needs, is carefully considered and planned and embraces the broad range of subjects, which are regularly celebrated to highlight their importance.
As leaders of learning the children feel safe to make mistakes without the fear of failure. They are supported to recover quickly from difficult situations and develop the courage to have another go.
Additionally, we want all children to be culturally knowledgeable about our country and the world around them, become confident global citizens, and to know how they have a voice in the world. To achieve these aims, the school community is supported to understand how to respect themselves and others, how to resolve conflict and disagree well.
To aid them, children need to be able to articulate our school values and how these values support learning and their lives.